Chasing The Pack…
Let’s Get You Leading The Pack
Now is not the time to sell. It is time to get the business into a shape that is going to build up and validate that it can be a little money making machine for someone to run.
What does your result mean?...
Your focus is all internal and you are have low flexibility.
You're on the hustle, saying yes to all customers because you fear they will leave you.
You own a job, not a business.
You're taking home a pay packet that doesn’t reflect the skin you have in the game.
You are doing work you love and work you hate, probably more of the latter.
You can’t see past tomorrow , you have a small team, and you have hardly any, maybe even nothing written down. All the knowledge is in people's heads.
Cash flow is tight and the business decisions are all based on "do we have cash in the bank account today".
Your Specific Action Menu list
Start again with the end in mind. Determine an exit point (time, value)
Understand (honestly) the “attractiveness” of the business today
Calculate your monthly sales to determine your monthly cash break even point
Define a strategic niche
Increase your price - small business all undercharge
Review the products or services that are generating 20% of the turnover. (It is probably 80% of what you offer) - they are not profitable
Establish productivity / output targets for all staff
Collect all outstanding customers who owe you money
Get rid of any obsolete or slow moving inventory
Review all suppliers for better trading terms
Have a long term investment horizon with any cash reserves
Invest and inject into the company culture a long term employee loyalty approach that focuses on betterment
Next Step: Claim your Exclusive Offer
Now that you are armed with the results.
I’m opening up my calendar for a private coaching call where we can unpack your specific situation for free. Valued at $300 an hour.
On the call we will:
Review your specific business position map and desired outcome
Understand your business, background and pain points.
Conduct an Asset Audit
Pinpoint the 1-2 actions you can take immediately to gain an immediate return on your time.